Jyadareturn.com Blog is created to share the Knowledge & Experiences which i had during my Stock Market Investing Journey in Indian Stock Market, in last 10 years.

Initially i started my investing journey through SIP in various Mutual Funds but later on i discontinued it & started investing directly into the markets through my Demat Trading Account.

I made lots of mistakes & learned a lot from each one of them. All that learning helped me to understand on how to:

  • Screen & Select the Stocks for Investing.
  • Do the Fundamental Analysis of the Company Business.
  • Use & Interpret Profit Loss Statement along with the Cash Flow Statement & the Balance Sheet of the company, to decide upon whether to SELL or HOLD or ADD on to the existing holdings.
  • Look for the Useful information on internet related to my investment, out of the Plethora of the Junk & Irrelevant information available in the public domain.
  • Build a Stock Portfolio based on the Growth Prospects of the companies, Tailwinds for their sectors, Management Efficiency & Execution Capabilities, Growth Metrics & Earnings anticipation through last 10 years performances of the companies.

Over the years I understood why it is so important to check for the Creative Accounting, related party transactions, auditors & top management salary (especially CEO) & management outlook regarding their earnings, in the company’s quarterly & annual results.

Believe me they all matters in deciding how much, how fast & how long will the stock of the company that you are holding, will keep on multiplying your invested capital.

I hope you will get benefited through my blog posts & content available on Jyadareturn.com

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